Section Selector Block

Section Selector Block

Where Is It?

The Section Selector block is located in the known sections drawer of the Blawx toolbox.

What Does It Do?

The Section Selector block is used to refer to a specific section of your rules. It is used in According To blocks, to indicate which section reaches the conclusion, and in Overrules blocks, to indicate which section overrules which other section.

Technical Details

The Section Selector block is a value block that provides a reference to a section in the current rule. It is used in According To blocks, and Overrules Blocks.


Section selector blocks will be given a name that is the abbreviation of the title in your rule text, followed by an abbreviation of the section's specific location in the rule. If you are using spans, it can be helpful to use short span names so as to avoid the location references from getting too long to be displayed in the block.

Because the abbreviation used in the section selector block is based on the first character of the title provided in your legal text, it is advisable not to use punctuation and numerals at the start of words in the title of your legal text, to ensure that the section selectors are readable. For example, if your title is "The (Very) Good Act 2004", the section selector for section 1 of that act will read "T(GA2 1".